7 News Belize

CA Companies Spent Big On Top Regional Attorneys, Was It An Investment?
posted (May 1, 2024)
And while government had Assange's attorney - the other side was not too shabby at all.

It had Douglas Mendes out of Trinidad - who is one of the Caribbean's top attorneys backed up by Godfrey Smith and Hector Guerra as well as another Trinidadian authority.

We asked Smith if this is reflection of how much they stand to profit from a favorable ruling:

Jules Vasquez
"From the counsel they retained, in their wisdom, the importance I would say they see a very lucrative business opportunity, both lost and yet to be gained."

Godfrey Smith, Attorney for Gas Companies
"I'm sure it is worthwhile for them."

Jules Vasquez
"I'm sure it is not a symbolic victory they seek."

Godfrey Smith, Attorney for Gas Companies
"No, no, it was not a symbolic, a real in-the-pocket victory."

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