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Thu, July 30, 2015
And while we had him - we did ask him for his analysis of the PUP's latest problems with the Rebel 12. But Okeke was in donation mode, and didn't have much to say.

Steven Okeke, Political Analyst
"I strongly believe that they will settle it one way or the other. I don't expect you to expect anybody to just give up their position of whatever they are doing. Anyone of them can improve, any one of them can be leader, and if you're not doing it very well, you should be given an opportunity to improve yourself. And if you prove yourself and show you're competent to get the job done, you should be left to get the job done. If not, then another person should be given a chance because it shouldn't be about the individual, it should be about the organization."

Daniel Ortiz
"But the bottom line is that they are a political party for the people, they are not supposed to be operating for themselves."

Steven Okeke, Political Analyst
"Every political party is an enterprise, and the politicians are entrepreneurs."

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