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New Speaker Takes The Chair, With Grace
Fri, January 13, 2017
And now back to today's House Meeting. It was a historic day in the House as the UDP Government saw the ascent of its first female Speaker of the House. The PUP had two during their two-term tenure, and now the UDP has brought in Nurse Laura Tucker-Longsworth.

She's well known for her professionalism in the medical field, and her serene and stately demeanor. It is hoped that she can use those traits to bring so harmony and civility to the often-fractious house.

But it's not like an appointment or a contract officer who just shows up for work; not at all. The Speaker of the House - like all other members of the House - must be elected - and here's how that Ceremony went today:...

Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow, Prime Minister
"I propose to the house Mrs. Laura Tucker Longsworth as the new speaker."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"I second that proposal."

Eddie Webster, Clerk. National Assembly
"Since there are no more nominations, I call on the sponsored and the seconder to go with me to fetch the new madam speaker Laura Tucker Longsworth."

After that, Tucker-Longsworth took the Oath of Office, and then delivered a brief address laying out the hopes she has for her tenure:..

Laura Tucker-Longsworth - Elected Speaker of the House
"I stand before you as the first woman speaker nominated by the sitting government and the third woman who has been appointed speaker in the history of Belize. An important historical milestone is also being achieved as I am the first nurse to serve in the legislature as the speaker of the House of Representatives. I was confronted with numerous reasons for not accepting the nomination as speaker. But those reasons receded in order of importance when compared to the rear opportunity to represent women at this high level and my country as speaker of the house of representatives. One message that truly resonates with me is an encounter with an ordinary citizen o Belize, an older creole woman who stopped me in the isle of the supermarket to inquire if I was that lady who would become the speaker of the house. Her message to me was, 'darling I hope you can make them behave themselves, I feel really bad when I watch them on TV, and I always wonder why they have to act like that.' Ironically she capture the main theme of messages that were expressed via social media, broadcast media and personally. Chaos and the complexity of business in the honorable house is expected but it requires that members harmonize efforts to create better decorum in conducting business in national assembly. It is with humility that I accept the position of speaker and pledge to serve in a just and fair manner."

Rt. Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minister
"Your accession will usher in a new era, an atmosphere entirely conducive to the smooth flow of business in parliament. Clearly there can be no forsaking spirited robust even fierce debate. Nobody wants a colorless bloodless house. Combativeness, though not incivility is surely allowed, even desirable. So let the words fly. Let the rhetoric be in passion, but let us never again descend into venom and vitro. I say this madam speaker as one who has been guilty in the past, yes I have. But as one who now knows that cannot continue this because it is not right and because you our new madam speaker will not permit it."

Hon. John Briceno - Leader of the Opposition
"I have listen to the prime minister's comments and I'm happy to hear that he is also committing and admitting that over the past years there have many instances when the debate and the behavior in the house have gotten completely out of control and I do agree with the creole lady that spoke with you, that whilst we are supposed to be giving the example to this country. In many instances the behavior in this house has been the exact opposite. We are going to do everything possible to corporate with you and we will do our part to ensure that we have a level of civility in the house that is merited and that what I think every Belizean expects from each one of us."

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