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Venezuelan Embassy, Says Media Got It All Wrong
Fri, May 19, 2017
It may be one of the richest countries on earth in terms of it's oil reserves, but Venezuela is a mess right now. Huge protests are held daily, inflation is at almost 100% in just the past few months, they have one of the highest murder rates on earth, there are chronic shortages of everything from toilet paper to flour, and their currency has crashed.

With the worsening economic climate, Venezuela's president, Nicolas Maduro, has been struggling to hold unto power, and has been going to extraordinary means to do so.

All that's according to the mainstream media, who according to the Venezuelan Embassy here in Belize, is only telling part of the story.

The Embassy held a press conference today to tell us that things aren't as bad as they seem. The Embassy maintains that the mainstream media has been deliberately manipulating the public's view in an attempt to demonize the President and his government. Here's what the Embassy's representative, Mykel Castillo Pena, had to say the alleged media bias...

During his presentation, Pena pointed fingers at the Venezuelan Opposition for deliberately trying to overthrow the current regime.

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