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Coast Guard Vessel Beached After It Takes On Water
Fri, December 15, 2023
Coast Guard vessels are typically few and far apart, and that's why it was concerning when one of their vessels began taking on water while at sea. According to the Commandant, Admiral Elton Bennett, the team was returning from Turneffe when water started filling the boat from the bottom. The crew then managed to beach the vessel at Water Caye, and there were no injuries reported.

But will the Coast Guard have to say goodbye to one of its vessels, engines and all? Bennett told us that they'll have to wait for the engineers to do an engine flush and an examination, which includes submerged restoration procedures. He also said that the hull will have to undergo a detailed structural test to determine its seaworthiness and repairability.

Each one of these engines is valued at over 40 thousand dollars.

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