7 News Belize

Hon. Saldivar’s Response To Social Partners On PAC
posted (October 10, 2013)
We also asked Saldivar about his posiion on the social partners criticizing his version of the public accounts committee. They called it a charade and here's what he said about that:..

Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of Police
"First of all I'm a bit confused because they participated in the first two sessions and did so willingly. Now to have the turn back that they have done, I dint understand where it's coming from, but I am yet to understand what it is that they would like to see us put in its place if they are not satisfied with what is happening now."

"I believe that the chairing of the committee by a government member in particular of me at this time is simply because the opposition chai does not want to attend the meeting and should we halt the proceedings simply because the opposition chair doesn't want to attend the meeting? I don't believe so."

"I am yet to hear from them what it is exactly that aggrieves them and to see if we can fix it."

Jules Vasquez
"Sir, at no point have they communicated their concerns to you? The concerns express very vocally in that release."

Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of Police
"No sir."

Jules Vasquez
"Moving forward, will you try to seek a dialogue with them or will you wait for them to seek a dialogue with you?"

Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of Police
"The press release purports to represent the views of the churches. I must give it some import and I therefore will be seeking an audience with them next week."

Jules Vasquez
"The fundamental issue they have is that the government cannot and should not be allowed to investigate itself, which was express in the release and which is plain for all to see. Is there anyway of addressing that problem?"

Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of Police
"I don't know. I am at a lost as to how you would address that problem without violating the principle of majority rule. I have looked at all the formulations that I have come across on the internet so far and I find none in which the opposition controls the Public Accounts Committee."

Jules Vasquez
"However, there is not a plurality of membership in the committee as it is currently activated, in terms of there are only UDP members and only UDP members can speak. Everyone else is just there to listen."

Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of Police
"That is because the PUP refuses to attend the hearings."

Marisol Amaya, KREM Radio
"You don't give any substance to the argument that this actual PAC should only investigate those reports tabled in its term?"

Hon. John Saldivar, Minister of Police
"It that were so, it would be none."

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