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Mayor Moya Says the Tenth will be Safe
Tue, September 9, 2008

Tomorrow is the tenth day of September but tonight the city is still on an unofficial amber alert following Saturday’s incident at the carnival road march. Tomorrow morning there will be an official ceremony at the Memorial Park with the Prime Minister, Governor General, and Leader of the Opposition present. A jump up through the streets will follow and if last year is an indication, the crowd should be big. But will you be safe? Yesterday the police high command said they will step up their presence which is assurance enough for Mayor Zenaida Moya. She will deliver the welcome address at tomorrow’s opening ceremony and told us she will also march.

Zenaida Moya, Mayor of Belize City
“Yes I will be participating. This is a very historic time for us. This year we are celebrating our 210 anniversary of the Battle of Saint George’s Caye and all of us should ensure that we participate in the parade tomorrow. It only comes once a year and so nothing will stop us from participating tomorrow in the citizen’s parade.

I have spoken to the authorities and they have spoken to me in a manner that indicates that they are prepared for tomorrow and they will put in and ensure the necessary precautions. We will need to ensure that we do our part. If we see or hear of any persons who are speaking idly about engaging in any activities that would cause undue problems or chaos, it is our duty as a resident of Belize City and even as a visitor to Belize City that we report that to the authorities immediately. And with that said, I think that tomorrow should be one where it will be a team effort; citizens’ participation as well as the authorities.”

And while Mayor Moya can assure you safety from urban terrorists, there will be no escaping the dust. The parade will run its normal route, from North Front Street over the Bel-China Bridge, to Orange Street and then unto Albert Street where it ends at the Bird’s Isle. That route will take the parade through Albert Street where, despite assurances from the Minister of Works, the rehabilitation is still not completed. And while Mayor Moya didn’t want to point fingers – she says you can’t blame her.

Zenaida Moya,
“Again right now it is the Ministry of Works who is dealing with the Albert and Regent Streets right now and so they have indicated, well we know that it won’t be finished for tomorrow. However it is, they have done certain works that will ensure that it will still be a smooth ride.”

Keith Swift,
Mr. Boots got on TV and said that the Ministry will take it over from the City Council because they wanted to have it in time for tenth. Obviously it seems the Ministry of Works hasn’t delivered.

Zenaida Moya,
“Well the work hasn’t been done. I had spoken to the CEO in the Ministry of Works and he had indicated that it would be completed either late October or early November. But again that is what they are looking at.”

Keith Swift,
They made your council the scapegoat, they said it is because of the City Council it was taking long but it turns out, that wasn’t the case. Is this in some vindication?

Zenaida Moya,
“It is a task and I think that that is what we are seeing, this is the outcome of it. It is a huge project and we are hoping that it will be completed as what they are indicating it will. We know it won’t be completed in September but hopefully as was indicated, it will be completed within a month from them.”

Keith Swift,
Who should we blame now, the City Council or the Ministry of Works?

Zenaida Moya,
“I won’t be blaming anybody, I’ll just be hoping that the works will move on.”

And while the streets may be an issue, for the past few years, the tenth has been bringing its own energy. The celebration, at least the jump –up, part of it has been making a comeback. Last year, it was a real throwdown – and on this tenth eve we leave you with that.

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