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Empowerment Through Self-Defense
Wed, November 12, 2008

And while the woman in Trial Farm Village was able to run off her would-be rapist by using her voice as a means of defence, have you thought about what you would do if confronted with a similar situation? If you have, then the Women’s Department may just have what you need. On Saturday, the Women’s Department will be offering free self defence training to any woman interested in learning the skills that can protect and save a life. Today the Belize District Women Development Officer Tricia Collins told 7NEWS why they want women to participate.

Tricia Collins, Women Development Officer
“As part of empowerment for women we came up with the activity of self-defense because a lot of women have been reported over the years and across the months that crimes have been really really escalating and violent crimes have been whereby women have been assaulted.”

Jacqueline Godwin,
This is the second time that the self-defense training will take place. What has the response been like?

Tricia Collins,
“It has been great. Lots of women came in and signed up for the program. We have two sessions, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, just to facilitate those women who work in the morning on Saturday they could come to the afternoon session as well.”

So far, twenty five women have signed to up to participate but there is still room for more. If you are unable to fill out a form in advance, you can just show up on Saturday at the YWCA Building on Freetown Road. There will be two sessions. The morning class is from nine in the morning until twelve noon. The afternoon class will run from one in the afternoon until four in the evening.

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