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$28 Decrease in the Price of Butane
Mon, November 24, 2008

Prepare for a major decrease in the price of butane tomorrow. Government announced today that the price for a 100 pound cylinder of butane gas in Belize City will cost $96 tomorrow.

That is a $28 drop from the $124 it’s been selling for since the last price change on September 16th. It is also the lowest price for butane gas in years. The retailers we checked with today couldn’t remember the last time they sold butane for under a hundred dollars.

The $28 dip will take effect countrywide. The new prices for the districts are $98 in Belmopan and San Ignacio; $97 in Orange Walk; $99 in Benque Viejo; $100 in Dangriga; and $101 in Punta Gorda. Those prices don’t include the $2 delivery charge. That means in Belize City the new price of a delivered tank will really be $98.

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