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Turn Off Your Lights
Thu, March 26, 2009

Could you survive for an hour without your lights on - on Saturday night? Well that’s what the World Wildlife Dund is asking you to do. As part of a worldwide earth hour – people across the world are being asked to turn off all their lights and electrical appliances for one hour to create awareness on climate change. In Belize that hour will be from 8:30 to 9:30 and Nadia Bood told us why you should flip the switch at 8:30 on Saturday.

Nadia Bood, WWF
“All we’re asking you to do is a simple act, just turn off all your lights from 8:30 to 9:30 on March 28th, Saturday pretty much. We are hoping they will comply and everybody has the opportunity here to join the cause, to have your voice be heard and so far we’ve been getting good response.

It si very simple act and what we are asking is for you to turn off your lights and there are other things you do can do. We don’t expect you to sit in a corner in the dark. You can socialize with friends. Like in Honduras what we’ve been able to achieve is that you know people are very into football and there is a major football event going on so they decided to watch the game still under candle light. So it is a simple simple activity, you can try to be innovative in how you utilize your time.”

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