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Raelians Still Want to Build Embassy for Spaceships in Belize
Tue, March 31, 2009

They’re back.....we’re talking about the Raelian movement and its emissary to Belize Bernard LaMarche. You may remember, Lamarche is the man we interviewed in February of 2007 who told us that he wanted to build an embassy for aliens in Belize. But it’s not en embassy to issue visas to other planets, but en embassy to welcome alien life forms, that he calls Elohim to Belize and the world. He says they are going to usher in a new ear of peace and knowledge like space Messiahs with a major in science.

Sounds kooky, right? But Lamarche really believes he can make some headway in Belize – particularly with the new government. He’s written a letter to Prime Minister Dean Barrow asking for his support to build an embassy; in 2007 he wrote a letter to then PM Said Musa, but go no response. And now the letter to this new PM was sent eight days ago and Barrow still hasn’t responded, but Lamarche today told us he is confident he will get a response, because his plan is out of this world.

Bernard LaMarche, Raelian Movement
“I was not very well equipped to meet your government. It was very hard to meet with the Minister but today I came with a very nice project, a very big project for your country so myself, I am feeling more confident that your government has to see it and to study our project.”

Jules Vasquez,
You’ve found that Belizeans are receptive to the idea of alien life?

Bernard LaMarche,
“It depends on where we put ourselves. Some people are very open minded and some other people, I’ve met many people on the street and I was talking to them and they started laughing. They are very sceptical.”

Jules Vasquez,
It is not that they are sceptical, it is that they think that you’re a nut. That’s what they think. I am not saying it to be mean but that is what people think.

Bernard LaMarche,
“I know that people are seeing me as a nut or foolish but for me this is not a problem because I know this is existing.”

Jules Vasquez,
Let’s talk about the embassy, I saw a picture of it in the Amandala newspaper. What’s the square footage?

Bernard LaMarche,
“We’re asking a land for 1,000 acres.”

Jules Vasquez,
Will this embassy be made of concrete or are you all bringing in material from space to build it?

Bernard LaMarche,
“I really don’t know exactly. I didn’t work on the architect project.”

Jules Vasquez,
Who is the designer, the architects? Are the architects from earth or are the architects from space?

Bernard LaMarche,
“Okay there are two type of designer. If we talk really about the building, there are people from our organization, human beings like us, and those architects of intelligent designs, what we are talking about, they came 25,000 years ago to create life.”

Jules Vasquez,
The Elom, when they start to come in you say 2025, how will they look? They look like us?

Bernard LaMarche,
“Yeah a little smaller like maybe one point three meters and a little bit green but looking like us.”

Jules Vasquez,
But he has the same basic features?

Bernard LaMarche,
“Yes exactly like us.”

Jules Vasquez,
Will they be offering space ship rides like to take you on a spaceship across the world and bring you back? That would be very exciting.

Bernard LaMarche,
“Of course that would be very exciting but this is not the meaning of their visit. They are really visiting us to help us.”

Whether gobbledygook or good sense, if you want more of the word from Rael, Lamarche will be hosting a lecture on Thursday night at the Belize Institute of Management.

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