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Mayor Moya Says She's the Boss
Thu, April 16, 2009

There is a new financial controller at the Belize City Council. He is Patrick Tillett who assumed office the Monday after Mayor Zenaida Moya and her new council were sworn in. He is the watchdog that was legislated to look over Mayor Moya and the finances of the council. But according to Mayor Moya, that’s not the way it works. She says Patrick Tillett is like a free consultant and that she is still the boss.

Zenaida Moya, Mayor of Belize City
“It is going quite well. I think that we definitely will be having a nice plan of action so that we can roll out different areas that we continue to streamline. I’m looking forward to it because it is something that should help us and we are the council are always looking at areas in terms of trying to ensure efficiency and it is a free consultant coming in and I am hoping that he will be able to do the job. It is a very huge job, no one person can do it. He definitely will need the support of all of us and of course of the entire finance department.”

Keith Swift,
So he is not looking over your shoulder and following your every move.

Zenaida Moya,
“No, no he is not doing that and to tell the truth, he cannot do it. He cannot do it. I sit in my office and he sits downstairs in his little office and he knows his role and as an elected official I have my role to play.”

Patrick Tillett today respectfully declined our request for an interview.

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