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How Angel Santoya Gets Around
Tue, June 9, 2009

Angel Santoya is a primary school student of Chunox Village in the Corozal District but unlike his classmates he has not been able to get around much less take part in all activities that is because young angel has a condition called spina bifida which has confined him to a wheelchair. Despite his disability he has been attending regular classes but it has been a great challenge because getting into his classroom and around the school building has been difficult.

Today however thanks to the kind contribution of CARE Belize young Angel feels more comfortable going to school that is because CARE Belize through its community based rehabilitation programme has constructed a ramp in the school to help students like angel Santoya. Butt that is not all that this special student received he was also accommodated with an indoor wheelchair that will make learning more comfortable for him.

Last Friday a CARE delegation led by the wives of the Prime Minister and deputy Prime Minister including a cluster bomb of philanthropic glitterati such as representatives of Special Olympics Belize, Lifeline Foundation, International Hospital for Children, the British High Commission and the National Resource Centre for Inclusive Education made a special visit to the Chunox Seventh Day Adventist Primary School. We don't know how all those folks crammed into the classroom but his principal told us first hand how the donation has helped to improve young Angel Antoya's time at school.

Principal Montalvo, Chunox,
"Just this morning I saw him, they were trying to play hide and seek and with his wheelchair where he can go is the area where they are going to play and he run and he is trying to catch them with the wheelchair and they are running and he is behind. So it is including him in all the activities that he could with the other students. And that makes him really happy to be included."

According to CARE Belize their strategy through the CBR model is to empower disabled persons so they can take control of their own lives.

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