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The Church’s “Divine Mission To Teach”
Thu, August 13, 2009
When the Catholic School Management sent a release out on Monday saying that it does not support the Teacher Services Commission, the Ministry of Education’s response was that it will be holding a meeting with the Bishops Association – an indication that there was possibly still room for dialogue.

And while that meeting may indeed go ahead, the Ministry shouldn’t expect Catholic Bishop Dorrick Wright to differ with his school management.

A release from the Bishop issued last night makes it clear that the teachers’ commission conflicts directly with the church’s mission – and when we say the church’s mission, the Bishop is referring to the one given by Christ himself to Peter and the rest of the apostles.

That’s what the release refers to in explaining that, quote, “The church in Belize cannot surrender or abandon its mission to anyone, even to the duly constituted agents of the temporal order,” - for those not up on their catechism, “temporal order” means the government.
The release makes it clear that the church has, quote: “(A) Divine mission to teach all men to the end of time.”
And with that said, the Bishop concludes that, quote: “It is our most fervent desire that the smooth working relationship between church and state should continue...”
And while the ending is gracious – the meaning is clear: things should continue as they are, have been and ever shall know the rest.
That’s a hard line for any politician to cross but judging form past performances, Education Minister Patrick Faber would be so bold. Regrettably we were unable to reach him for comment.

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