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The Dengue Situation
Tue, October 6, 2009

If you live in Belize City, we’ll bet that you know at least one person with dengue – and if you don’t you surely know the prime minister, who’s just getting over his bout. So what’s up with all the cases in Belize City? On July twenty first, the Public Health Department reported on a dengue outbreak in the Cayo District when one hundred and fourteen cases were confirmed between May fourth and July fourteenth. That has subsided, but now there is a spike in cases reported in the Belize District, primarily in Belize City. So is it all because they aren’t spraying enough? According to Senior Public Health Inspector Mark Bernard one of their spray trucks is down and resources are limited but they are working to make sure dengue does not take a hold in Belize City.

Mark Bernard, Sr. Public Health Inspector
“As you the Ministry of Health has a surveillance system in place for dengue like symptoms and we have been noticing an increase in the number over the past month, month and a half.”

Jacqueline Godwin,
“What do the numbers look like from Belize City?”

Mark Bernard,
“Well so far we have about 123 suspected cases of which 49 of those are confirmed.”

Jacqueline Godwin,
“What do you believe is contributing to the increase?”

Mark Bernard,
“Well first of all we have to remember that we are surrounded by countries that have dengue fever, for example Mexico and Honduras. There is a lot of back and forth between these countries by Belizeans. We are in the heart of the rainy season and also the ever presence of the vector here. So all these factors definitely contribute to the increase.”

Jacqueline Godwin,
“Is the Public Health Bureau, Department concerned about what they see unfolding here?”

Mark Bernard,
“Well yes whenever you see an increase in any disease or in any condition above what is normally expected there is cause for concern and also as you know, dengue also has, there is a type of dengue which has a higher mortality rate so we are concerned. We have been spraying regularly, we have our inspectors going out doing premises inspections, inspecting the yards, educating the public about removal of water holding containers. We also provide a bait to kill the immature stages of the mosquito in drums and in vats and stuff like that. So we have been going out there interacting with the public.”

The symptoms of dengue include high fever, headache, malaise and pains in the joints. There can also be rashes and pains behind the eyes. If you experience any of these symptoms or suspect you may have dengue fever you are advised to seek medical attention. Remember a recurrence of dengue - catching it a second time - can lead to the much more serious dengue hemorrhagic fever.

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