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New Legal Strategy for Shyne
Thu, October 15, 2009

Jamal Shyne Barrow, latterly known as Moses Michael levy remains in detention at an immigration holding facility in New York pending deportation to Belize. But his lawyers are fighting that deportation. The Prime Minister of Belize who is also Shyne’s father - has also made a special request to the Governor of New York. And that’s where things stood at the end of last week. Now, Shyne’s Uncle Michael Finnegan says that there’s been a change of strategy.

Hon. Michael Finnegan, Shyne’s Uncle
“All the lawyers who were dealing with his immigration problems, they are totally off the case now. The matter is placed squarely in the hands of Professor Overtree. All legals options or legal directions or whatever the case may be in terms of legal movements, these matters of Professor Overtree. He has stepped in totally, he was given permission to deal with the situation in all its aspects. Jamaal’s father which is the Prime Minister is one of the best attorneys in this country and I would want to believe he has total confidence in Overtree, you understand me, and I believe the family know what it is doing.”

Professor Charles Overtree is the Harvard Law Professor who gained recognition when US President Barack Obama listed him as a mentor.

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