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Athina Swasey Passed 11 CXCs
Mon, November 2, 2009

The CXC results are in and Belize’s top finisher is the quite brilliant Athina Swasey. The 17 year old graduate of Edward P. Yorke High School received grade one in 11 subjects at the general proficiency level. Those subjects include biology, English A and B, mathematics, Spanish, chemistry, information technology, and principles of accounting. That is more than any other Belizean student did.

What’s more is the story behind the success of Athina. She worked her way up from humble beginnings at the Pancotto Primary School in her home village of Sandhill. She excelled on the PSE in 2004 and that earned her a spot at EP Yorke High which is where she graduated from in June of this year. Athina is now a science student at St. John’s College Junior College and that’s where we found her this evening. She told us that while she expected to do well - she didn’t expect to be the best.

Athina Swasey, CXC Top Finisher
“I was happy, thankful that my hard work had paid off.”

Keith Swift,
“Did you expect to be the top student?”

Athina Swasey,
“No I did not. I knew I had done well when the results returned the first time but I did not expect to be the best but I am happy I am.”

Keith Swift,
“You come from EP Yorke, a government run school. Does that make it feel any better?”

Athina Swasey,
“It does because EP Yorke rarely ever receives recognition and I believe that it is a very good institution. There is no difference in the education offered at EP Yorke than those offered at John’s or Pallotti or Catherine’s so I see no reason why it should be such a surprise that I come from EP Yorke.”

Keith Swift,
“What kind of work does one do to study for 11 CXCs?”

Athina Swasey,
“The work to me would be compared to studying for seven or whatever number. You just understand the concept and apply it.”

Keith Swift,
“What are your plans now, I know you are going at John’s?”

Athina Swasey,
“My major here is natural science which includes a major in biology and chemistry. After this I hope to receive a scholarship and study abroad.”

Keith Swift,
“How will you celebrate?”

Athina Swasey,
“I don’t know.”

Placing a close second to Athina Swasey is Virginia Hsu from St. Catherine Academy. She received grade one on ten CXC exams at the technical and general proficiency levels. The only subject that Swasey took but HSU didn’t was electronic document preparation and management.

The results for the Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Exams are also in and Belize’s top finisher is Stacey Karyn Grinage. She is a graduate of St. John’s College Junior College and now a student at the University of Belize. She earned grade twos in six subjects and automatically wins the Belize Open Scholarship.

All of the top finishers will be honoured at an awards ceremony on November 25th.

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