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Bureau of Standards Rates Supermarkets
Tue, December 22, 2009

And as you saw, true to tradition Christmas brings its own money, and the shoppers are cutting about looking for deals; for most, the best store is where they find the best prices. But, there’s another way to rate those stores; the bureau of standards recently did it – rating popular supermarkets on a scale of one to five stars – with five stars signifying the best-kept standards. Five stars means the store is, in the judgement of the bureau, protecting consumers’ health, safety and economic interest. It’s a good way to protect consumers and to give businesses an incentive to upgrade their standards. Today 7News spoke with a manager of one of the top stores on list and the Bureau of Standards Consumer Protection Liaison Officer Kenisha Stuart. Stuart told us that during October and November one hundred and sixty nine stores were assessed and of that number thirty one made it on the list.

Kenisha Stuart, Consumer Protection Liaison Officer
“We have seven categories and the stores were graded out of a hundred and so five stars stores who would have scored between the 90 to 100 percentile and they would have scored well in the receipt section, if they were selling expired goods, also the net content of the basic commodities; rice, flour sugar, if those contents were correct. Also if they have a price list with the price controlled good displaying their GST registration, their trade license registration and also the general upkeep of the store; was it sanitary, was the garbage properly disposed, were the shelves cleaned, were there prices displayed on the items on the shelves. So five star stores scored within the 90s. it doesn’t necessarily mean that they all got 100. So there are still for improvement by the five star stores.”

Public’s Supermarket,
“Well so far we feel proud of our team. We try our best throughout the year to do the best service for the customer and giving the best possible prices and so when it comes to the end of the year we feel we get some sort of appreciation from the customers and we feel good, we feel proud of ourselves. What we do, our customers love and appreciate it.”

Jacqueline Godwin,
“And I notice Public’s has really been working hard in 2009 expanding its outlets.”

Public’s Supermarket,
“We have been working, so far we’ve opened two new outlets; one on Boulevard and one on the Northern Highway and we are working on more outlets, maybe out district and trying to give the best possible price for the country.”

Jacqueline Godwin,
“What prompted the bureau to conduct this survey?”

Kenisha Stuart,
“Well we have a hotline and we received quite a few complaints and the complaints were mainly around price controlled goods that being sold at the proper prices and also the quality of goods being offered for sale. There were many stores selling expired goods and based also on our market surveillance these were the same things we saw coming up and also on receipts, when consumers call to make a complaint they don’t normally have the receipt or if they have a receipt it does not have on the relevant information to make a complaint so this motivated us to do the survey. We are seen as an enforcer but we’re trying to bridge the gap between serving the community and service consumers. And so hopefully with this survey we persuade businesses to act in the interest of consumers.”

Sixteen stores in Corozal, Orange Walk and Belize City received five stars, four got four stars in Belmopan, San Ignacio and Santa Elena and nine received three stars in Dangriga, San Pedro Town, Benque and Stann Creek Rural. The Belize Bureau of Standards will be conducting periodic checks in March 2010 so for those five star businesses. Those businesses that received three to four stars are being advised to upgrade. Two more stores that had received five stars but were erroneously left off the initial list were James Brodie on Albert Street and M&J in Orange Walk Town.

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