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Vendors Treated Like Unwelcome Subjects At Queen’s Square
Tue, September 14, 2010
Last week Thursday - we showed you the action at the Queen's Square Market when the city council tried to enforce parking regulations on wholesalers at the Queen Square market.

The understanding at that time was that the wholesaler would be allowed to park on the shoulder of West Collet Canal within the approved time.

But today, things changed: those wholesalers were relocated by the city council - and guess what, they were very displeased. Monica Bodden was there:…

Monica Bodden Reporting
The Queen Square Market Area was filled with City Council personnel this morning patrolling the area - making sure that these vendors - who line the canal side - pack up their belongings and relocate unto Bocotora Street.

Kevin Singh - Councilor responsible for Market and Security
"We've been telling these people, sending letters months ago telling that their time for vending - when they are suppose to come and when they are suppose to leave. They are not cooperating with us, they do what they want. The stall is supposed to be down at 6 in the evening, they leave it up all night and all day. The wholesalers is suppose to come on Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays; yesterday they were out here all day so we decided that we are going to move everybody off the canal side and put them on Bocotora Street for them to do their vending because this street is very congested."

According to councilor Singh - there are signs in the area which clearly state - no vending.

Kevin Singh - Councilor responsible for Market and Security
"There is a no vending sign on the sidewalk and every still just neglect the signs. One of the signs was thrown in the canal by one of the vendors. They took it down and throw it in the canal so we have to do what we have to do. We have to put them on the other street. The trucks are working in front of the market and they cannot get in because we have vendors all along the canal side where the trucks have to park."

Monica Bodden
"What are their reaction out this side?"

Kevin Singh - Councilor responsible for Market and Security
"As usual they don't want to move."

And that was exactly the reaction of vendors this morning.

Phillip Willoughby - Deputy Mayor
"Ma'am hurry move."

"You can't hurry me. There are no light there. Over there is dark."

Phillip Willoughby - Deputy Mayor
"Miss that's why you have from 6 am to about 6 pm. when shop is don't you need to lock up your things. You can't leave your tent, you do not live here, and you do not live on the street and under these tents. That foolishness can't continue."

Monica Bodden
"How do you feel about moving right now?"

"I can't move, see how much things I have. I just can't move."

Monica Bodden
"So you are not going to move?"

"I could move but not right away. You see how much stuff I have."

Monica Bodden
"No one told you before that you have to relocate?"

"If only me staying here and the others are not moving. I can't do anything."

"I was over there and they put the police on me to chase me and then this morning I went over the other side and then they come and move me again."

Monica Bodden
"Nobody told you that you have to relocate?"

"Yes from Thursday they told me to move over there and then they chase me back again. What is the problem."

The plan is for the vendors to be permanently placed at this location.

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