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Preying On a Preschool
Tue, October 12, 2010
Today the doors of the Wesley Preschool were closed and children were turned back but it's not because of any approaching hurricane…instead, it's a crime wave - which devastated the community pre-school.

Sometime between Friday and Sunday night robbers pried their way into the small building and ransacked it - everything from fans to peanut butter.

Desiree Flowers, Head Teacher - Wesley Primary
"Well they came in through one of the bar doors. It seems like they screw it out and they stomp down the door. That's the way they entered the pre-school. They have stolen so many stuff, i am trying right now to put all together but the TV, the VCR, the DVD, typing sheets, toys, books, fans, cassette, clock, flash, toilet paper, paper towel, a set of chairs, tape recorder, hand soap, games, the microwave, there is so much, we are still trying to get all the rest of stuff that they have stolen. We had a whole barrel of goods that people donate to us like for tombola that we use for our church; all of that was gone, our sheet set, bathroom set, glass set, plate set, I mean there are so many things."

Andrea Polanco
"So I believe you don't have an estimated value for the items stolen."

Desiree Flowers, Head Teacher - Wesley Primary
"So far no but for right now almost like over $6,000.00 worth of stuff. We are at ground zero because we have to now try get back stuff. My poor parents that have tried to provide…I don't know if they will be able to give us back or we will have to try provide it back ourselves because like our Lasko fans are $70.00 each, those are gone. The one from ceiling they also took. It is so devastating for me right now because we try to accumulate slowly and now they are all gone."

Even though the robbers didn't take everything, what they took was significant to the daily functioning of the pre-school. While there are no suspects at this time, how the robbery was committed points to the possibility that the robbers may have been familiar with the items inside and how it was set up. It is also believed that due to the quantity of the items stolen, the robbery was committed across multiple nights.

The school is asking that if you come across any of the stolen items, please don't buy it; instead, call the police.

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