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Police Exhibit Room Pulls Another Disappearing Act
Fri, December 10, 2010
If you had something precious - that you didn't want to lose - chances are you wouldn't want it kept in the police exhibit room. Over the years, we've seen money and guns disappear into thin air, cocaine transformed into flour, serial numbers on guns change…all manner of irregularity.

And, it's happened again….

$12,000.00 dollars which was kept in a safe inside the exhibit room, is missing, presumed stolen. Half of it is counterfeit and the other half was seized in an alleged drug bust.

One police constable who had been sporting a new ride and a new pistol recently is under investigation. Police minister Douglas Singh discussed the embarrassing case today:…

Hon. Doug Singh, Minister of Police
"Essentially some funds were missing from the exhibit, from the safe in the exhibit room. There is a full audit being done and the exhibit keeper has been remove from there pending the outcome of the audit. The exhibit room essentially has an exhibit keeper and an assistant, the investigation involves not just the exhibit keeper but also his assistant. So until the complete audit and the review and the investigation is completed we can't essentially say exactly who is responsible but it has to be one of the two individuals because they are the only two people who have access to the room."

Monica Bodden
"Now, how much money has been unaccounted for?"

Hon. Doug Singh, Minister of Police
"At this point in time there are two amounts, I don't know exactly what the totals are off the top of my head but the investigation continues to determine if there is any more. The initial from funds should have been refunded to an individual after fines were taken out and it was in the process of refunding to the individual when the monies were discovered missing."

Monica Bodden
"At this time has the exhibit keeper been moved from his post?"

Hon. Doug Singh, Minister of Police
"Yes a new person is in that post at this time. No one else has access to the room, its only the keeper and the assistant. There is a window that individuals can go to and request what it is that they need and sign it out, there are appropriate measures in place and protocols for custody with respect to any material that is inside the evidence room. In addition to the room being lock and anyone receiving any exhibit, they have to get it from the window and sign out for it. Funds, cash is also in a lock safe within that room. There is no access to the general public, so there are protocols in place, so this would not be a situation where anybody could access. It has to be in my opinion one of the two individuals under investigation. "

The minister confirms that one of the amounts of money, three thousand US dollars, belonged to Diego Witz - who was fined by the income tax department. The other set of money was from a case that involved a Chinese individual.

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