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Sixth Women’s Summit
Thu, March 17, 2011
The Sixth Annual Women's Summit was held today in Belize City. The event is a centerpiece event in the Women's Month Calendar where women from across the country to come together to discuss gender issues.

But it's not just one sided, according to Director of the women's Department Icilda Humes, they are also hearing from men:…

Icilda Humes, Director - Women's Department
"The sixth annual women's summit is taking place today as a part of our activities for women's month. The women's summit provides an opportunity for women from across the country - urban and rural communities to come together to discuss the issues associated with the women's month team. The summit really provides women with an opportunity to network and it's also base on education and information. We recognize that there is definite the need for a lot more public education on women's and gender issues because we recognize that both men and women still don't fully understand what gender equality really means. We thought it was very important for us to ensure that women need to have a clear understanding of what gender equality is all about. We will also have a presentation about boys and men and how we can engage them whether men and boys are really being marginalized. we will get some statistics and some information from UNICEF on that and then to wrap up the day - we will have two men who will be giving the male perspective on this whole gender thing and so that something we really be looking forward to because we want to hear what men are really thinking and we certainly don't want to leave them out - that's never our intention. Our intention is never to emasculate men. It certainly as we always say it's not a battle of the sexes, it's a battle against injustice so we are doing our best to engage men more in the work that we've been doing."

It was a one day event that went into the evening….

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