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Hulking Helga And Her Heavy Fuels
Thu, March 24, 2011
For the past few days we've been reporting on the three Cuban seamen who were lost at sea and the eight who were saved. Well those three still have not been found, and the worst is feared.

But what about the massive 220 foot ship, the Helga? It's down at the bottom of the sea, possibly hundreds of feet below the surface. But there are concerns for the heavy fuels that it carried. The Helga had the capacity to carry about 60 tonnes of fuel plus thousands of gallons of lubricating oil. But How much was it carrying? Well, no one seems to know for sure.

Oil Consultant Neri Briceno warns that sometimes when a vessel sinks the spill is not immediate, but rather because of temperatures, pressure, the type of product itself and the maze of connective pipelines, it takes sometime a while for it to surface. But he says it will come out eventually because oil is lighter than water. Beiceno warns about an oil spill while another expert calls for a contingency plane form the department of the environment and the port authority…..

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