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Crazy Constitutional Consultation In Griga Dang!
Thu, September 8, 2011
The fourth consultation on the ninth amendment to the constitution was held last night in Dangriga Town.

It was crowded - with the Father Marin Parish Hall over-run with political hardliners. Indeed, the consultations have become straight, down-the-line political events - a test of comparative muscle for both mass party.

And while Dangriga is not known as a political hotbed - for the UDP it was an important proving ground - after they had been shown up in Orange Walk last week Wednesday when the PUP Leader John Briceno displayed his hometown muscle.

So the governing party needed to show itself favourably and - politics being a game of numbers - it did do that. An astonishing 177 persons took the microphone to voice their opinion and according to National Assembly staff figures - 131 were in support of the amendment and forty six were against it.

While we're not quite sure what that says for democracy - it was a success for the UDP. But it seems Quincy Coleman from Hope Creek, wasn't content to make them walk away with it - and he was determined to make an outspoken contribution.

But, with crowds of people queuing up, speeches weren't allowed and that's when the Chairman, Patrick Faber tried to shut Coleman down. All kinds of craziness unfolded after that and we'll air it all, mostly un-edited:..

Quincy Coleman
"However I have one question and two comments if you may give me permission."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"Yes sir, you will tell us your name and you will give us your position. That is what we are doing now."

Quincy Coleman
"No man, I am in the line for a long time and I want my two minutes."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"I am sorry you won't get two minutes. You will give us your name and your view."

Quincy Coleman
"If you shut up and give me a break I will explain to you."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"No sir, you will not be disrespectful to me. Cut his microphone. The next person please."

Quincy Coleman
"That is disrespectful man."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"No. Next."

Hon. John Briceno
"Can you allow the gentleman to speak?"

Hon. Patrick Faber
"No, we don't have to tolerate disrespect. Please move away. Officers, can you move him away?"

(Crowd making noise.)

Hon. Patrick Faber
"Allow him to speak please. Police officers please allow him to give his name and his view. We are allowing that. He will not get two minutes. Everybody who is in the line at this point will give their name and their view on this amendment."

Hon. John Briceno
"Mr. Chairman I am asking to say something man. Respectfully Mr. Chairman I am a member of this panel."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"And I am the chairman of this committee and I will maintain order and I will say when you are supposed to speak please."

Hon. John Briceno
"I feel disrespected when you ask to cut off my microphone man because these people have been standing up here."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"I am the chairman and I am in control of this meeting please."

Hon. John Briceno
"No man, I have something to say. I demand to talk Mr. Chairman."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"We will have order."

Hon. John Briceno
"No, I am a member if this panel."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"You don't get to speak when you want to speak. We will have order or we will suspend these sittings."

Hon. John Briceno
"I am a member of this panel."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"You are correct, you are a member of the panel but you do not override the chair of this committee. You may be the leader of the opposition but you are not the chairman of this committee. Please sit down."

Hon. John Briceno "Put on this microphone. Don't move stay there."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"Please proceed to take your seat so we can continue."

Hon. John Briceno
"These people have been here for hours. Put on this microphone."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"Ladies and gentlemen, we will have order or we will suspend these sittings. Honorable member please take your seat."

Hon. John Briceno
"Stay there, I am going with you to jail if I have to (speaking to Quincy Coleman)."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"Honorable member please take your seat so that we can proceed."

Hon. John Briceno
"I am asking to speak man."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"You will get a chance to speak."

Hon. John Briceno
"I am asking to speak now."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"Please take your seat. You may well be the leader of the opposition but you are not the chairman of this committee. Please take your seat. I am asking you again to take your seat so that we can resume these proceedings."

Hon. John Briceno
"No, this is nonsense."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"I have not denied the gentleman to speak. He will get an opportunity to speak as soon as you sit down. It is your right to leave if you so desire. That's fine with me. You will not have your own way in this meeting. Order, order."

"Ladies we will suspend the hearings for 5 minutes until we can regain order. We are hereby suspended for 5 minutes."

After the abrupt departure of the Leader of the Opposition and PUP Committee member Francis Fonseca, chairman Patrick Faber ordered a five minute recess for order to be restored.

After that Coleman was still waiting for his turn - but on his terms - and the chairman, still was not about to have it - here's what happened:...

Hon. Patrick Faber
"Let me be clear before we resume that once we resume I expect that the people who take the microphone will give their name and simply state whether or not they support the bill so that we are able to move forward with the remainder of the line."

"Sir if you will not do that then I will not give you the opportunity to speak."

"You are declaring that you are not going to follow that rule then you will be ask to leave the queue. You will give your name and your position. Is that clear to you?"

"If you don't want to follow the rules you can go. There are other ways in which you can voice your concern on the 9th Amendment Bill. There is no guarantee to this procedure if you insist on not following the rules."

"The gentleman has clearly indicated that he will not follow what we have set out. Can I proceed with the person who is next in line?"

"I am sorry sir but we must have rules. We cannot allow people to run away with this process. Will you say your name and your position on the 9th Amendment Bill? You are clearly telling me that you are not going to do that. Can we remove him out the way and can we proceed please. Thank you."

"If you can follow the rules that we set then proceed. I am just asking you to give your position and move. Let's go proceed."

Quincy Coleman
"Turn on the microphone."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"No sir, you will be respectful to me. I have not disrespect you."

Quincy Coleman
"Respect must be given to those you deserve it."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"We will not tolerate you being disrespectful to me."

Quincy Coleman
"I have to use the language I use earlier because you and I cannot talk."

Hon. Patrick Faber
"Cut his microphone please and let's move on to the next person. You will not be disrespectful to me. I will not tolerate you doing that. Next, please proceed."

The event went from 7:04pm to 11:06 pm. The next consultation will be held in Punta Gorda and the Leader of the Opposition has indicated that he will attend, though he says, quote, "consultations have become a travesty."

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