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Will Memorial Park Be Ready for September Celebrations?
Tue, August 21, 2012
Over the last couple months, the Fort Point Facelift, which is part of the Sustainable Tourism Project, has been underway, and the first phase of project is almost finished.

But, the beginning of September Celebrations is only 3 weeks away, and if you've passed by the Memorial Park recently, you're probably thinking that it won't be ready in time for the ceremonies which are traditionally staged there.

And it's kind of tough to even conceive of the Tenth Day Ceremony, the 20th night Flag Raising and other festivities being hosted anywhere else!

So, today, we spoke to the project coordinator, and we asked if it will be ready in time.

Here's what she told us:

Christy Mastry, Sustainable Tourism Project
"Right now we are kind of in the final phase prepping the front area the stage and plaza in front of the stage and some of the open space hardscapes for the September celebrations. As we know it's been on everybody's mind - will it be ready and the answer is yes. As you can see the stage is well underway. We'll be putting roofing structure and the actual corrugated metal later this week. We have electricity running temporary through the park but we will have the stage electrified by September 9th celebrations for everything that will be happening on the stage and you can see we can walk through later on and you can take some video of the red brick pavers that will be going in as well as the concrete slab that's in front to accommodate over 200 seated guests under the tent that we have on the 9th ceremonies during the day."

Daniel Ortiz
"Is the works on schedule?"

Christy Mastry
"Yeah the works is on schedule. When we started in March we decided that we would really focus on these elements of the park itself to be completed by September mainly because we wanted to have the celebrations here. We didn't want to break that tradition."

Mastry told us that based on the advice of the contractors, the main stage area should be completed in 2 weeks' time, and majority of the grounds will be ready for September 9.

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