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But What About The Elders?
Tue, November 20, 2012
And so, while Garifuna Settlement Day was observed with all the grandeur it deserved, we came across one Garifuna Elder who was upset with one aspect of the day's celebrations.

Bert Ramos says there were no fitting accommodations Garifuna elders who may have wanted to enjoy the official opening ceremonies at the Alejo Beni Park.

Here's Ramos's complaint:

Bert Ramos, Concerned Observer
"Right now I don't feel happy because most of the people that came from foreign and all over this country, all over the world to come out here on the 19th November - is standing up in sun hot. Not even a shade or shelter nobody put out here to cover these people. It is really unfair in my eyes. Thomas Vincent Ramos was man with vision and you are representing Thomas Vincent Ramos then you suppose to have vision. You can't come out here on 19th November - 10th September; you saw the amount of sheds that these people got? On 21st, did you see the amount of sheds these people got?"

To be fair, we must mention that we did also experience the intense heat, so we can only imagine what the elderly members of the Garifuna community had to deal with while trying to listen to the ceremonies.

Today, 7News spoke to the President of the National Garifuna Council, Francisco Zuniga, and he told us that he can't speak for the organization effort which took place in Dangriga because he was involved in the Belize City ceremonies.

He added that in Belize City, senior citizens were well accommodated, and if those same accommodations were not afforded to citizens in Dangriga, it is a topic which will be discussed at the next council meeting.

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