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La-La Milk, A Strange Change
Tue, June 11, 2013
Merchants say LA-LA Milk from Mexico is the most popular milk in Belize – and that's why we took note today when we got two angry calls saying that one store was selling defective milk without the safety seal. We went looking for answers.

Jules Vasquez reporting
So, we went into K-Park Grocery, hidden camera and all to find this pack of milk – and sure enough, open it and there appears to be no seal – it's already been punctured. We took it up with the manager who told us that's how LaLa Milk is now packaged.

To prove it, he then took us to see sealed boxes, opened them and it was the same.

Pradeep Badalani - K-Park
"It's coming like that from Mexico, not from our store - it's selling all over the country just like that."

And to test the accuracy of what he was saying we tried two other major supermarkets Twins and Brodies and the Lala milk was packaged the same way.

Pradeep Badalani
"It was coming in a different packaging and now it's sealed at the top, nothing is wrong with that and nothing wrong with the milk - it is ok. Mexico is selling like this, we have checked it over there."

So while you may be used to the solid old seal which you puncture yourself. We contacted the bureau of standards which in turn contacted the wholesaler who explained that in fact the new tetra packs have a serrated cover which cuts through the plastic seal when it is turned to open – so in fact, it does come sealed.

La La milk has changed the seal on all its products – so don't be alarmed.

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