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Fri, June 14, 2013
They are one of the hottest dancehall groups in the Caribbean with hit songs like Jump and Kotch – and tonight RDX is in town to perform at a weekend concert. The group who has been touring in Europe this year landed in the jewel this afternoon and one of their first stops was here at 7news.

Renigade - RDX
"First and foremost I'd like to just say that it's a pleasure being here, it's coming to you all shortly. I want to big up all the Belizeans here at home and abroad and RDX is here. It's a good feeling. This place hot though and they said it will be hotter tomorrow night."

Monica Bodden
"You guys just touched down?"

Delomar - RDX
"Yes we just touched down and as Renegade just said it's a wonderful vibe. The second time around and that time we were like in the country area and now we're in town. We're ready to mash up the town."

Monica Bodden
"What can people expect tomorrow night?"

"RDX brings bags of energy, get everybody active and people come to our shows because it's just only for the songs we sing but also to see the performance because they already know the songs. So we're going to perform for the people and this is what we have to do this is the best experience for us as RDX is to see our music impacts people and the happiness and joy in the people's face so we're definitely coming to put a lot of smiles to people's face and at the end of the night when everybody leaves and go home they can say 'yes RDX was good'"

Monica Bodden
"I have to ask you guys, where do you find all that energy from?"

"Well we work out you know because we have to keep the body looking sexy and trim because you know we sing songs for the ladies and the ladies don't want to see us with this bag of weight, so we work out and keep ourselves fit and that brings out the energy. The ladies like the energy."

"And of course we love what we do and you have to put that love because people feel it because music is very spiritual and because we love it. We push it, a lot of people feel the love and they feel it as well so we're pushing the love to the people and they're pushing it back to us and then it will be a wonderful experience of RDX and anybody that comes out and experiences, it's the RDX experience."

The show is tomorrow night at the ITVET.

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