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A Concert For Carnival Cash
Thu, August 15, 2013
On Saturday night, six carnival senior bands will be competing against each other at the 4th annual Soca Madness Competition.

It's an event organized each year by Flavaz Entertainment – mainly to give a helping hand with some financial support to the winning bands. We all know carnival is fun but is also costly – and so this Saturday, these senior bands will be putting on a show in front of an audience – in hopes of winning hundreds of dollars. The organizer told us more:

Andazi - Organizer, Flavaz Entertainment
"Today, August 17th at the MCC Tennis Court - it's just going to be a big party. Basically it's a dance competition between 6 of the senior bands in this year's carnival road march and we're going to be giving away prizes to the different carnival bands and this is all in aid of helping them prepare for the road march. Basically we have three rounds for the competition - we will have a freestyle round where we will just throw music out at them and then they will do their thing on stage. Then they'll have an audience response round where they really have to work for the attention of the crowd. Finally, we have a little carnival costume competition. This is the fourth annual soca madness that we're having - so usually we just find out who all the senior bands are and we go around to their camps and let them know about the event then they're able to participate. There's no sign up fee or anything like that - it's an even where Flavaz entertainment is really just giving back to Belize, to the Caribbean culture of Carnival. We have three prizes, 1st is $1500, 2nd is $1000 and 3rd is $500. Carnival is a big deal and its part of our Caribbean culture and it's something that we really want to see get bigger and bigger every year. Every year gearing up towards Carnival you hear people say 'oh my I don't know if I'll be able to bring my band out this year because it cost so much to get all these costumes together and get ready for Carnival road march.' But it's really a part of our culture and even us as Flavaz Entertainment really enjoy so we saw an opportunity there to just be a part of that and give back at the same time. The tickets that we sell for Soca Madness - you can get them at the different mass camps and they get a percentage of the sales as well as competition prizes. They also are able to do fundraisers the night of the show by selling food and drinks - so it's really just an initiative to make Carnival Road march better every year."

The show starts at 9 at the MCC Tennis Court. Tickets can be purchased in advance from the senior carnival camps for only 15 dollars.

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