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Belize City’s Best Public Space Declared Open
Mon, September 2, 2013
And while that was Sunday on St, George's Caye, on Saturday in Belize City the Fort Point Pedestrian Walk and refurbished Memorial Park was declared open. Work on the project started 18 months ago in February of 2012. At its completion, its completely transformed the Fort Point Area. And while we can quibble about some of the style elements, there's no arguing that the two-acre park has been positively transformed. Keynote speakers addressed that fact:..

Hon. Manuel Heredia Jr. - Minister of Tourism
"3000 Belizeans employed in meaningful employment and more than 500 citizens reside in this area. The Fort George area continues to serve a central hub for comers and tourism activity."

Darrell Bradley - Mayor of Belize City
"So that we have a park that is first class and first world - befitting our residents and the users of this space."

Hon. Manuel Heredia Jr.
"This 6 million Belize dollar investment we see today, is just a start in realizing the vision we all have for Belize City. It is not only clean streets, renovated buildings, revitalized parks and infrastructure that makes a destination - it is more importantly about the local people who provide rise and the soul."

Darrell Bradley
"This park and this space is so much more than just a park - it represents a historic site for those who are honored here, for those who have served their country and other countries in the year of war. It represents a community space for those in this neighborhood; it represents an economic vehicle for those in a tourism industry. It represents an opportunity for meeting and for forging relationships who come here to visit and to play and recreate. It signals the redevelopment and transformation and the reclaiming the city."

And while those speakers broadly outlined of the project – what about the details? Tune in tomorrow and you'll see our lively back and forth with the Project Director, as we challenged her to defend the stalls in the park, which have been unfavorably compared to Panades shacks.

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