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BIL Opens Office
Tue, October 1, 2013
In March of this year, Prime Minister Dean Barrow announced the creation of Belize Infrastructure Limited (BIL) during his budget speech. This special purpose vehicle is designed to undertake the design, construction and management of sports facilities.

Well, it took six months, but today, the Government of Belize announced that BIL has opened its office in Belmopan, and an interim General Manager has been chosen. That interim GM is Christy Mastry, and if she looks familiar, she should. She is the Project Director of the Sustainable Tourism Project, which has renovated the Memorial Park and the Fort Point Area of Belize City, and built the Placencia Municipal Pier and Plaza.

Mastry is wrapping up the STP, where she has managed over 30 million dollars in direct infrastructure projects throughout the country. According to the release, BIL, which will focus on multipurpose facilities, is located at #1664 Market Square in Belmopan. The company has been harshly criticized by the Opposition Party as a "UDP Hustle Vehicle", and as a result, to show that it will have transparency, GOB has invited the Belize Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the NTUCB to serve on the Company's Board.

It is expected that after the old Civic Center is torn down, BIL will take the lead in rebuilding a new 30 million dollar facility.

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