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Viagra Knockoffs Held At Customs
Mon, December 2, 2013
Customs is holding unto 53 boxers of a product called Silvegra - which is a Viagra knockoff out of India. No, it's certainly not a prohibited item, but it's being tested for possible links to pseudo ephedrine. Duty has already been paid on the shipment of 360 thousand tablets valued at eighty thousand, but it remains at customs. That's after the forensic Department and the Ministry of Health were called in last week Thursday to check it for pseudo ephedrine. Tests were done and it showed a preliminary indication for ephedrine or pseudo ephedrine - but we note that those preliminary tests are often a false positive - and many times full tests come back negative.

But it seems PFIZER which makes Viagra has also asked the US Embassy to get involved because Silvegra is a knockoff. The shipment was imported by MEDIGEN, a local pharmaceutical company for the domestic market.

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