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Barrow Says Sir Manuel Still Respected
Thu, March 27, 2014
We also got to ask the Prime Minister's about last week's hot issue - which is Sir Manuel and Lady Kathy Esquivel's resignation from all their government posts. As we told you PM Barrow responded to Sir Manuel's letter of resignation. Esquivel described the letter as "generous", but what did the PM really say? We asked him today:..

Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"I wrote to both Sir Manuel and Lady Kathy; I thanked both of them for their stellar service with respect to the last positions they held. I went on in the case of Sir Manuel to make the point that this was of course just part of a large trajectory - a larger historical background that fixes him firmly in the national consciousness as an exemplary public servant, as an exemplary politician and exemplary prime minister. I expressed my regret at his departure, but made clear that in the circumstances I understood. And that's where I will leave it."

Jules Vasquez
"Do you feel that you should have intervened to save his daughter's job or to make her have a more orderly departure?"

Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"I won't get into that. I really believe that what's happened has happened and it involves certainly the Minister of Tourism, a member of my cabinet and a process that he certainly believes was a fair and transparent one."

Jules Vasquez
"Was he wrong to have summoned Minister Manuel Junior Heredia to his home? It was interpreted as a summons; he says it was just a benign intervention."

Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"It's exactly that; a question of interpretation and I don't know the facts so I will not offer any interpretation."

Jules Vasquez
"However, at the same time it has to have a stultifying effect on the UDP soldiers or supporters out there who say well if Laura Esquivel could get push out being a UDP, what would happen to me?"

Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"Well again, I think the question of the details is very important and I don't know that I would agree with the term push out. But really, I am not going to add sauce to the stew."

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