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OW BTIA Say Bad Roads Cause Bad Business
Tue, June 10, 2014
Government has boasted about having millions of dollars to spend on infrastructure, but the Orange walk Chapter of the BTIA says it can't wait.

They wrote a letter to the Prime Minister today expressing, quote, "disappointment and frustration in relation to the deplorable conditions of the streets in Orange Walk Town."

They refer particularly to the Phillip Goldson Highway, known as the Belize-Corozal Road, Queen Victoria Avenue, and Otro Benque Road. The letter says that people are avoiding passing through Orange Walk and it has affected several businesses. The letter closes by saying that they implore the Government of Belize to address this urgent matter immediately.

Well, that was this morning; this afternoon, we got a call from UDP Orange Walk East Standard Bearer Elodio Aragon who told us that work on the highway will commence on Thursday morning.

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