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Kirk Smith’s Killing May Have Been caused By “Friendly Fire” But Police Still Say Murder
Fri, June 13, 2014
On Tuesday, we told you about Kirk Smith Jr., one of the 5 injured persons from the mass shooting at Sunday's graduation party. His family told us he was brain dead. Well, he passed away last night at around 7:00 at the KHMH.

He was to be investigated as one of the men who originally opened fire at the graduation party - and police believed he was then shot by what might be called "friendly fire." But friendly or not, Superintendent Gualberto Garcia told us today that the investigation into the Brown Sugar Shooting will be upgraded to murder:

Supt. Gualberto Garcia
"The investigation is ongoing. Two investigations are the shooting that happened at the Princess Casino area and the shooting that happened at the Brown Sugar Plaza. The Brown Sugar Plaza incident has been upgraded from a mere shooting to a murder investigation because the person that was most serious passed away last night sometime after 7p.m. and it is being dealt with as a murder."

"Someone has been detained for that?"

Supt. Gualberto Garcia
"We detained a few persons initially, but at this moment, we do not have any concrete evidence to lay charges on anybody at this moment."

Because of those 4 connected shootings in the rivalry between Ghost Town and George Street, a team of officers from all 4 police precincts has been organized to respond to all gang related shootings in the city.

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