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Mas Camps Madness Continue
Thu, September 4, 2014
Tonight the Mas Camps are continuing all across Belize City. Unless you've been to a mas camp, you might not understand how really crazy it gets. And that's because the Mas Camp serves two purposes: a very practical one of getting all the costumes ready for the Road March, and another more intangible one of building that carnival spirit, which - at the senior camps is fostered by loud soca music, wild and dirty dancing, and in no small part by a "goodly" amount of alcohol. Monica Bodden and camera man Codie Norales got to see it in action last night when they visited Mother Nature's Creation and Erotic Mas Band. They started though with the pure and untainted energy of the youths at the Pickstock Carnival Band:..

Monica and Codie are back out on the Mas Camp circuit tonight with the final set of visits and you'll see that story tomorrow…

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