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PM Says You Can Wait To Get Reimbursed For December Mortgage
Tue, December 9, 2014
Earlier we told you about the VIP Party's protest against what it calls state sponsored political patronage: namely the Christmas Cheer and the Residential Mortgage Payment programme.

But the government calls Christmas Cheer pro-poor, and the mortgage payment program, it calls that middle class relief.

The rules to qualify for that are that the original value of the residential mortgage must be no more than one hundred thousand dollars. Mortgages taken out solely for the purpose of refinancing prior mortgages for the ?construction of new residences will also qualify for the program. And the mortgages must be legally registered.

Those who qualify just have to fill out a two page form and make their monthly payment then government will re-imburse them. Seems simple enough, but the PM says, he has still heard reports of complaints:..

Prime Minister Dean Barrow
"When I came in yesterday from Love FM, they said to me that people are complaining about having to fill in the application form. Well as I said, my goodness man, if you can't even fill in an application form to get the benefit of the program I don't know what else to do. I will make the point though that this is not like...because I compared it with CXCs. There you had to have submitted the application and be approved by a certain time because fees had to be paid. With the mortgage program, no man. Remember, we said to them, you pay the institution and we will simply give you back the money. So if they don't get in their application in December and they want to get in it January or February, we will simply, once it is authenticated that that's how much you paid for your monthly payment in December, we will give you back the money."

Application forms are available at the Treasury Department in Belize or at any District Sub-Treasury office and can also be downloaded from the Ministry of Finance website at

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