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The Best Junior Ballers
Fri, February 6, 2015
Today at the Birds Isle and at the YWCA, the National Sports Council hosted the 2015 National Championships for basketball at the primary school level.

It's the opportunity that all the teams from the different districts have been battling for weeks to get a chance to participate in. Each district is represented by a male and a female team chosen from the winners rural and District tournaments.

Here's what the National Sports Coordinator for the National Sports Council told us about it's importance as an annual event:

This year's winner for the females are Louisiana Government Primary School for the Orange Walk District. They managed to defeat Saint Peter Claver Roman Catholic School.

For the males, Benque Viejo's Mount Carmel Primary School, who you saw warming up in yellow, are the new winners. They defeated Holy Cross from San Pedro, who are now the second place winners.

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