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PM Discusses Marijuana Decriminalization
Wed, March 25, 2015

Last week we told you that Cabinet had agreed in principle with the de-criminalisation of less than ten grams of marijuana. And the principle they agreed with is that persons should not go to jail or get a criminal record for this. But the details are another matter completely. Today the Prime Minister discussed some of those with us today:…

Hon. Dean Barrow - Prime Minister

"Cabinet, and I really have to sweep that room for bugs or find a way to have people respect the confidentiality of Cabinet. Because you had a news report that for the most part was absolutely spot on. There is that agreement in principle. The minister of national security had his reservations. He's the one that has been asked to - and the point about nomenclature. If what we agree in principle in fact is implemented, is it really decriminalisation? We're talking about administrative penalties, we're talking about nobody having to go to jail, but they're penalties. So there's that sort of nomenclature. But we are at the point that, the minister at particularly with his concerns is being asked to move the process forward by meeting with those that produce the report. Asking them to clarify certain things that we thought were left hanging and also to say to us what the current state of play is with respect to interested elements in the society. In particular, the churches. If ultimately the churches are not onboard, we may still decide to proceed but we need to proceed with eyes wide open."

There is presently no timeline for those consultations.

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