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Talking Taxes
Fri, August 14, 2015
And putting back on his hat as Co-Chair of the Economic Development Council, Singh discussed taxation - which is always a sore point between government and the private sector.

Mike Singh, Ministry of Trade
"The issue of taxation, there's a feeling on one side that perhaps we over tax and there's a feeling on the other side that the private sectors are under paying. and some of the issues that we brought up is really in need of more efficient collection, reporting and perhaps relooking at our tax system to see how we can divide it and examine it better so that we can look at what the true costs of taxes are for businesses and maybe come up with a system that would be more promoting of businesses as opposed to preventing business. So taxation I think is a good area where we saw the difference in the point of view. As you might imagine, as public officers, we have to think about how we're going to run the country, pay public officers, how are going to pay for infrastructure, security and all those things. On the other hand businesses will look at taxation as how it is impacting, because if you're taxing me too much I can't make a profit. So that I think, was a really good example of how we saw a meeting of minds."

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