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“Russell, So Are You….”
Mon, August 31, 2015

So, Russell Hyde, the most notorious name in the west is dead, executed with a shotgun….for some, it was an inevitability, for others, an impossibility that he would be casually killed with the same cruel force he had become known for. But, while there is so much talk about his notoriety, here at 7News we always found Hyde to be approachable, cool and straightforward He came here more than once to make his point against the police – and Jules Vasquez asked him straight about his life in the underworld – when he was responding to police accusations of drug trafficking:…

FILE: (April 30, 2012)

Jules Vasquez
"I will ask you this plainly sir; are you a drug dealer?"

Russell Hyde, Charge by GSU
"I am not a drug dealer, boss. I deal with my farming and stuff. I am not saying that I am a saint. But that is not the way to go on someone to search for drugs. If you already search that place with someone, you are going to pick me up from off the street five hours after and claim that you find drugs there. You could have planted it there too, so the benefit of the doubt has to go to the accuser. I am the accuser. I was never there, I am not God."

Russell Hyde, dead at 45.

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