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Surgical Equipment Stolen From Corozal Polyclinic
Fri, September 18, 2015
The Ministry of Health has recently opened a brand new state-of-the-art surgical unit at the Corozal Polyclinic. It costs somewhere between 800 thousand and 1 million dollars, and the vision for this new medical upgrade is that it will relieve the need to transfer patients from that hospital to the Northern Regional Hospital or the KHMH for life saving surgeries.

It is expected to be opened in 2 weeks because the medical professionals need to sterilize it and prepare it for surgeries. But, that good news is marred by the theft of a piece of equipment which a couple days ago. Someone stole a brand new piece of surgical equipment valued at $22,000.

Both the CEO and the Minister of Health explained more about the theft to the media:

Hon. Pablo Marin - Minister of Health
"That's very sad that about a week ago, one of the surgical units, it cost about 22 thousand dollars went missing and that is sad because it's the same people, that will be using the hospital that is doing this mischief. I don't know what the reason was but this is only a tool that can be used in an operating theatre. I am asking the public now, publicly asking them that if anybody comes and try to sell them one of those units to please report that to the police because it is sad."

"So it is basically stolen?"

Hon. Pablo Marin - Minister of Health
"Yes, definitely it was stolen. We don't know who it was. We already report that to the police. We are asking again to the public, if they know anything to please come up and tell us."

"Under which circumstances was it stolen? Was it just lying there?"

Hon. Pablo Marin - Minister of Health
"As you can see everything is right at the operating theatre. People are working, doors are open because people are coming in and out. We don't know exactly who did it. Maybe they left the door open at night. We don't know exactly what happened."

"Is that the only thing that was stolen?"

Hon. Pablo Marin - Minister of Health
"Yes, only that."

"And today no recovery of it at all?"

Hon. Pablo Marin - Minister of Health
"No, it happened about a week ago and we are already doing the investigation. We have a reported it to the police and we are working on that."

Dr. Peter Allen - CEO, Ministry of Health
"It's extremely depressing because of course many people work so very hard to achieve this milestone and so when a piece of equipment, in this case a small piece of surgical equipment goes missing, it's extremely disappointing and I would like to urge the private clinics and hospitals both on this side and the other side of the boarder that clearly if anybody tries to sell them that kind of equipment, please don't buy it. Please report to the authorities, please report it to us."

Anyone with knowledge of this equipment is asked to get in touch with the police or the Health Ministry officials.

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