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Briceno Makes It Plain
Wed, November 11, 2015

And while Briceno didn't want to talk to us there – yesterday, he did speak to his own TV Station, CTV-3 back in Orange Walk. The former leader made it public that he is seriously considering offer himself for leader at the National Convention:

Hon. John Briceno - Area Representative, Orange Walk Central

"Will I do it, like I said it is always a great privilege to be the leader of the PUP, so it's not something I take likely and I am seriously considering it that is something that I will probably do. But before I make that final decision, I think I need to continue to talk to my colleagues and trying to put together a winning formula so that we will be able to do the work that needs to be done; there is a lot of work to be done especially after every lost."

"I'm convinced completely that I do have the support; that I have the support all across this country. I mean people I have known, I have worked with them for years and especially when I was the leader that I manage to forge personal relationships with all of these people and those are the very people who are calling me and say John as a party member one of the senior members of the party that it's almost like a responsibility. That I have this responsibility to the party to offer myself once again to lead the PUP."

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