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Philloughby And Herman: The Big Payback
Thu, January 14, 2016
In March of 2015, when elected representative Herman Longsworth and candidate in waiting Phillip Willoughby stepped aside so gracefully to make way for the UDP's Tracy Taegar in Albert, we knew something was afoot, that some deal had been cut - confirmed both by instinct and political intel. In fact, we even asked the Prime Minister at the time what was the trade off - here's what he said to our pointed questions:..

FILE: March 25, 2015
Jules Vasquez
"What appeasement or appointments or arrangements have been offered to Mr. Willoughby and Mr. Longsworth in exchange for their, really, giving up what each of them thinks was a sure thing?"

Hon. Dean Barrow
"Moving right along here in the same vein. You know the famous movie, cheap novel line. I could you tell you but I'll have to kill you."

Jules Vasquez
"I understand that you treat it humorously but at the same time if they are public chips being traded for party favours, then it becomes a matter for public scrutiny. So then the question has to be asked, will you trade public chips for them to do internal party favours?"

Hon. Dean Barrow
"All I will say is this, Herman Longsworth has been an extremely good minister, assuming a UDP general election victory. Any position we would ask Herman to take up he would be more than capable. In terms of councilor Willoughby, well he's a continuing city councilor. You have spoken glowingly of his winning track record. Which suggests that the voice of the people, next to the voice of god has made clear that there is an appreciation of his talents. How would we ever have any difficulty in appointing councilor Willoughby to a position he would be incapable of handling. The judgment of the people is that he is somebody of talent."

Well now we know that Herman Longsworth is going to New York, and the matchless Philloughby, to the Windy City, Chicago - as both men have traded in their politician hats for diplomatic ones. Reports say Longsworth will be Consul General in New York, and Willoughby, will be working at the Chicago Consulate.

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