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Ladyville Tech’s Pageant
Thu, February 25, 2016
Tomorrow the Ladyville Technical High School is hosting its 2nd ever female pageant. 7 female students will compete against one another in areas of grace, posture, charisma, intellect, talent and beauty of course. Teacher Janine Carballo is coordinator this year's pageant. She says that the event could not have been timelier as they are currently celebrating the month of self-esteem.

For the past few weeks the ladies have been running around trying to get their last minute preparations before the big pageant tomorrow at 7. This is also the first time that the school is intimately involving the community of Ladyville as the pageant is being held in a public park to make more accessible.

Placencia Community Policing

Officers from Placencia went out on a community policing effort, where they visited a family in Seine Bight Village. That house belongs the visually impaired resident, 67 year-old Martin Moreira, and 69 year-old brother, Paul. In an effort to help the elder gentlemen, the officers cleaned up their yard and home and donated a box of groceries.

The team of officers were led by Inspector Dennis Miles, and they were supported by Southern Regional Commander Sr. Superintendent Ralph Moody. Also assisting the officers were members of the Seine Bight Village council and students from St Alphonsus Primary school also in that community.

Placencia Police intend to make another surprise visit soon.

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