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Whylie Says Mason Never Infiltrated Police Department
Thu, September 8, 2016

But did Danny Mason or Ted Ouelette infiltrate the police Department?  That’s the bigger question since legitimate issues have arisen with how Mason seemed able to befriend persons as big as the minister of national security – and ingratiate himself to police officers of many different ranks.  Whylie rejected the word “infiltration:â€￾

Jules Vasquez
"Are you able to accept especially units like the SPU, we know they responded and they refused to assist in the arrest. Are you of the opinion that he infiltrated in a deliberate way high levels of your police department?"

Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"I haven't heard Mr. Mason said that. I have learned that he was friend with some police officers including some members of the Special Patrol Unit but I don't know if I could draw the conclusion that he had infiltrated the higher échelon of the police department."

Jules Vasquez
"Sir the former commander of the GSU was seen at his house in an embrace, he said he was under cover. We know that the current commander of the GSU has some type of relation with him; we are told that it's a security consultancy, something like that. Are you aware of these things?"

Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"Well I'm aware of the photograph because I had seen the photograph in the media. I've also heard the allegation in terms to the acting OC of the GSU but I would not put those person as being upper échelon of the police department when I look at the upper échelon I'm looking at myself, the Deputy, the Assistant Commissioner of Police."

Jules Vasquez
"Was Mr. Flowers undercover?"

Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"Well I was out of the country, I don't know; I have to go on what he is saying and what he told the media."

"But sir will you... or tell your lead investigators to look into that to interview for instance the head of the SPU, Mark Flowers as well to find out exactly what was their relationship with Mason?"

Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"Well I don't know if that has not been looked into. As I said I haven't read the file, I haven't asked for the file. It's a murder file."

"Why did you not sir?"

Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"It's a murder file like other files, I don't normally ask for murder files. As far as I'm concerned it's just as murder file."

"But it's not just a murder file if you have all these allegations about your officers; officers commanding different units who were said to have questionable relationships with this man."

Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"But I haven't heard any allegation as you are saying allegations. I mean there is a photograph of Mr. Flowers befriending... there are pictures of him with Jules, there are pictures of him with other people, there are pictures with him with other people; what's the difference?"

Jules Vasquez
"I'm not accused of beheading anyone sir."

Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"Well that is true but what I'm trying to make the connection is that because you're in a photograph with someone do we go and investigate everyone?"

Jules Vasquez
"Let's look at two special units, GSU and SPU. He appears to have at least infiltrated those; would you accept that and that is irregular in so far as the man appears to have been at quite significant outlaw and a con man?"

Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"I don't like the term infiltrated. It's obvious that he had friends in both units just as other people have friends in those units and other units."

Jules Vasquez
"But other people are not con men and alleged murderers."

Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"Well that is true that we know of at this point in time but hindsight always gives you wisdom you know."

"Sir our reports are that the numbers of one of those officers commanding was basically on speed dial to get Mr. Mason out of any hot water when it came to police."

Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"Well you're asking me thing as I said that I know nothing of. You obviously know more than I."

"But appears there is no interest on your part to investigate and find out."

Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"No, no, no, I disagree with you. People have a life outside of police also. I mean I have friends that call me, I call Jules from time to time, other people call me but what is wrong with calling someone. If you ask someone to do something illegally and they do it then that becomes a different matter. There is no indication to me at this point in time or anything from the media that anybody was asked to do anything illegal in terms of because they knew Mr. Mason."

Jules Vasquez
"Did the GSU train at his ranch which later became a murder scene?"

Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"Again I don't know of that. I had heard that in the media. I did ask Mr. Flowers upon my return and he said he was not aware of that."

Jules Vasquez
"But sir isn't there a chain of command when you resume command? You would have to have a very full debriefing with Mr. Blackett about what all happened and files and so are forwarded; but it sounds like you da wa tourists, like you just come inna the office, bwai, bwai I see things the happen ya."

Allen Whylie - Commissioner of Police
"No, no I disagree with you Jules, I think you are trying to put words in my mouth to say things that would be wrong of me to say and to make conjectures and give opinion. I like to stick to the facts."

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