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Faber Says No to LGBT Spin on Minister’s Award
Tue, November 8, 2016
Last week - as part of Youth Month - Education and Youth Minister Patrick Faber handed over the Minister's award to twenty- eight-year-old BDF Lieutenant Derricia Jael Castillo. Thats her mother and son getting the award. It happened at the youth awards and was the highlight of the evening, a moment reserved for an exemplary young person who has spearheaded a positive cause which has impacted his or her community. Dericcia is a well trained Aircraft Maintenance Officer in the BDF who - according to the Youth department - has assisted in creating and implementing a BDF HIV Response, spoken at the 38th Meeting of UNAIDS in Geneva, worked as a Conflict Mediator, is a member of the Caribbean Women's Alliance for Diversity and Equality and Created awareness and sensitize communities on human rights issues. But, shes also a proud member of the LBGT community and an activist. So, Derricia posted on her Facebook that she was honored for her positive impact in the LGBT community, and the people living with HIV community. She noted quote, "what is most impressive is that since the inception of the Belize Youth Award, this is the first time that someone has been awarded for their work with the LBGT community from any government entity that is mandated to interface with the youth population." END QUOTE. Well, Youth Minister Patrick Faber says thats not why she was awarded. He says he HAS no problem with her sexual orientation, but he says that her spin on the award is a deliberate misrepresentation. He posted as much on her Facebook page and she removed it. Thats why Faber says hes considering rescinding the award. And Castillo just posted on Facebook that its fine by her. She says, quote, "Within a second I will give you back your award if the only thing that has affected you in that post was LGBT. All your issues and concern was about LGBT although I addressed People Living With HIV and the work I do with the military. The work I do with the LGBT community sir Patrick Faber is my reality," end quote.
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