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An Agenda For Tomorrow’s Children
Thu, June 8, 2017
Where will Belize be in 2030? There are so many possible answers that pop up, but the National Committee for Families and Children believes that 13 years from now, Belize will be one of the best places to raise a child. That is the main vision for this year's Children's Agenda. It was launched today at the Biltmore and Executive Director Margaret Nicholas discussed the agenda's goals.

Margaret Nicholas, Executive Director, NCFC
"We are launching the Children's Agenda for the next 14 years this agenda is from 2017 to 2030 and what is in the agenda is the whole of Government's commitments to children and adolescent."

Courtney Weatherburne
"What are some of the specific initiatives or programs that are in the Agenda, what can we actually see coming from the agenda?"

Margaret Nicholas, Executive Director, NCFC
"Well from the Agenda we are hoping to achieve 5 outcomes, as a matter of fact the vision really is that by 2030 Belize will be one of the best places to grow and raise children to do that we have 5 national outcomes and they are all about supporting children, family centered, it's about income - outcome focus, it's all about evidence based and it all about ensuring that at the end of the day children's needs are met and that their decisions are taken seriously."

"Like I said , 2030 we will be seeing a different kind of family , we will be seeing different children, we will be seeing children accessing proper health services and social services, we will be seeing less children in prison, in fact it is our hope that we will be able to close down juvenile prisons."

Courtney Weatherburne
"How do you all plan on actually achieving this, it sounds like a large task and it is one thing to put something on paper but it is another thing to actually implement it and actually get outcomes from it?"

Margaret Nicholas, Executive Director, NCFC
"Well true, indeed it is a humongous task but not an impossible one, one of the things that we have are some implementation programs in place, projects in place what we are doing we are setting up a special social planning committee, we are also setting up a special monitoring and evaluation sub-committee who will be able to develop more indicators and who will be able to measure and one of the things we will be doing at NCFC also is based on the results from year to year to prepare a state of biennial address for, report sorry, for the country with regards to children which will be submitted to cabinet then the wider stakeholders,"

There will be programs in schools and the community to fulfill the goals.

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