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Making Sense of MICS
Thu, June 22, 2017
On Tuesday, we showed you, the media soft launch of the final report for the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, or MICS.

It's an intensive study of Belizean citizens to find out about the quality of life of the country's women and children. This survey represents months of hard work between the Statistical Institute of Belize and UNICEF. And, to ensure that it doesn't just sit and gather dust on a desk, there was a multi-sectoral launch so that all the relevant government departments can get a compressed, tailor-made version of the results.

Here's a summary of the results in report which shows that the lives of Belize's women and children have been improving. The Ministry of Health's CEO discussed them in his keynote address:

From there, the participants were given a general overview of the report, and some of the prominent results. They are too numerous to discuss in one newscast, but here's a few which caught our attention because they are areas of concern:

The statisticians also looked at education, and the fact that there is a concerning number of high school aged adolescents, who are not attending school.:

If you would like the see the report for yourself, you'll can find a a link to the key findings at

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