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A Lesson In Energy Efficiency For Dangriga & Surrounding Communities.
Thu, December 14, 2017
The Ministry of Public Service, Energy and Public Utilities is reporting that they are teaming up with the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) to launch phase 3 of its energy efficiency Awareness Project.

The idea behind the project is to get Belizeans thinking about energy efficiency, and so they've launched a light bulb drive. The way it will work is that they will be providing poor families living in Dangriga Town, and the villages of Hope Creek and Sarawee, with new light bulbs to replace their old ones. So, those old incandescent and fluorescent bulbs and tubes that are in use will be changed out for energy efficient LED light bulbs and tubes.

To qualify, families have fall within the social rate as customers of the BEL. Residents in these communities are asked to bring their electricity bills, dating no later than 6 months, along with their old bulbs and tubes. They are being asked to take them to the distribution locations at BWS office and the Havana Pharmacy in Dangriga. If they qualify, they will be given new energy efficient lights to replace their old ones.

The project will commence on Monday, December 18, to Friday, December 22. Business hours are between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., from Monday to Thursday, and 9 a.m to 12 noon on Friday.

The Latin America and the Caribbean Energy Programme is one of the Ministry's ongoing projects in partnership with OLADE.

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